The Riddle... the Internal Revenue Code... solved and deciphered

Readers of 'Cracking the Code - The Fascinating Truth About Taxation in America' have already taken back well over $10,514,332.95 from the federal and state governments-- including Social Security and Medicare contributions-- and returned it to their own pockets where it belongs, simply by knowing what the law actually says. These Americans have gotten back every penny they've paid or had withheld from them during the year as income taxes, while at the same time securing written acknowledgements that they owed nothing-- many for several years in a row now.
For the 64 years of its existence, the U. S. Internal Revenue Code has been ridiculed, feared and despised by virtually everyone. And why not? As presented by the Internal Revenue Service, the code appears illogical, inconsistent and incomprehensible. As presented, the code defies practically the entire Bill of Rights– requiring citizens to testify against themselves, allowing searches and seizures without warrants, levying fines and penalties without trials and imposing a tax on the basic right to earn a living. As presented, the IRC would appear to turn everything we all thought we had learned in grade school English and Civics on its head.
Is it possible that we all just misunderstood those simple lessons? Maybe. But researcher, analyst and scholar Peter E. Hendrickson believes that after Cracking the Code, you’ll agree that what has been misunderstood is the 3,413,780 word monstrosity itself– and how, and to whom, it applies.
Hendrickson delves deep into the history, statutes and case law behind the Code to reveal its startling and liberating secrets, and unless you live in a cave, you need to know what he’s uncovered.
Once you’ve finished Cracking the Code, the tax laws will never mean the same thing to you, or your bank account, again!
What You Will Learn in
Cracking the Code
• That the vast majority of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) is not the law itself, but is only evidence-- a representation-- of the actual statutes in force, and like in the game of post-office, the real language has been a bit garbled in transmission.
• That “income”, “wages”, “self-employment income”, “employee”, “employer” and “trade or business”-- as these and certain other terms are used within, and in regard to, the tax law-- have narrow legal meanings exclusively involving, and applying to, certain privileged activities, such as holding or administering a government office, or working in one.
• That although the tax statutes make perfectly clear that, for instance, language describing the obligations of “employees”-- and the taxes to which “employees” are subject-- only apply to a small minority of American workers, the distinction is artfully concealed in the IRC representation of the law, and is never forthrightly acknowledged in any IRS publication (although it is obliquely acknowledged whenever necessary for the avoidance of legal jeopardy).
• That an elaborate system has been created which causes some people to whom the tax laws do not otherwise apply (maybe including you) to inadvertently declare themselves to be among the persons to whom those laws do apply.
The revenue laws are a code or system in regulation of tax assessment and collection. They relate to taxpayers, and not to nontaxpayers. The latter are without their scope. United States Court of Claims, Economy Plumbing and Heating v. United States, 470 F.2d 585, at 589 (1972)
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